Friday, June 6, 2014

Edisto Island, SC

Hi again!  Back for more, eh?  Ok...

This is me.  In the background is a waiter photobombing.  This photo is to be treasured as it is rare that I look decent in a picture.  I think I don't look too shabby here.

This is my Honey.  She takes her oral/dental hygiene seriously.  Look at how much she enjoys brushing!  So much so that she didn't mind me taking this photo (and the rest of the 'brushing' series) at all.

This is my Honey in her natural environment...behind a camera.  She takes amazing pictures.

These are historic steps.  I don't know why, it didn't say. The sign that told me they were historic also told me to use at my own risk.  I was a risk-taker that day.  I'm thinking of getting Historic Steps Survivor t-shirts made.

This is Honey Magoo.  I made her put those on and pose for this picture.  I think she's adorable, don't you?

This is the Low Country Bistro.  One of the many fine places at which we ate.  There was also on not-so-fine place, but that's another tale.

This is why we stopped in that day.  Quail Confit on a Cornbread Waffle - WHAAA?!?!

It turns out they also have an Award Winning She-Crab Soup.  This is how they make it (though I believe some steps are missing).  Rather than make our own, we ordered theirs.  It deserves every award it got.

Insert witty caption here...if you know what I mean.

Why, yes! Yes, I do know what you mean.

Here's us being slightly less dorky.

I'm not good at picture taking.  Selfies clearly are beyond my skill set. (Note how white and shiny Honey's teeth are?)

This is the little Honey at the not-so-fine restaurant.  I'll give you a hint: It's in Savannah and it rhymes with The Shlady and Schluns.

Yeah, we're awesome.

Honey likes Charleston. 

We also went to the beach several times.

Ubiqitous gulls

The view from our rental didn't suck.

I want one.

This is a really old 'ice house'

You put your ice in here.

When beach-time was over, there's always the woods.

Spanish Moss...or perhaps the surface of the planet Endor, though I saw no Ewoks.

The road to Relaxo

Still the road...lots of many road.

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